Puppy Socialization

                Socializing your new puppy is very Important to your puppy's future social skills. Also, it is very important to socialize your puppy in a safe manner. Puppies are not fully vaccinated and protected against the parvo virus until 3 to 4 weeks after the last vaccine is given around 16 weeks old. I know it’s very tempting to show off your new puppy, but please do not do so until he or she is fully vaccinated. Once they hit five months of age this is when the socialization process becomes very important. Take your new puppy into areas where they can experience all new experiences.  The more people they meet, and the more dogs they meet, the more behaviorally balanced they are going to be as an adult dog. So; dog parks, people parks, hiking trails, and social outings are all great ways to socialize you new family member. By socializing your new family member, you will help your new family member become the social butterfly that you want.

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